1971年,Savino Rizzio先生在意大利创立了VIR公司,40年来,基于生产规模的不断扩大和设备现代化的投入,现在每年的总生产量已达到1000万件以上。如今它已是全球著名的跨国集团公司和知名的阀门生产企业。
VIR在2003年收购了位于美国加利福利亚州的红白阀门公司(RED-WHI TEVALVE CORP. );于2008年在中国台州成立了台州瑞兹阀门制造有限公司;又于2010年,在中国上海成立了威尔瑞兹贸易(上海)有限公司,意在开发和加快中国市场业务的发展,并借助台州工厂的生产能力、技术和物流等优势,使得集团公司在全球的销售网络更加丰富和稳固。
VIR自1992年起就通过了UNI EN ISO 9001:2008标准的质量体系认证, 同时产品拥有ACS、WRAS、CSA、UL和NSF等其他国际标准认证证书。
Staticnamic balancing valve, manual / automaticball valve, other valves.
Established in Italy in 1971 by Savino Rizzio, VIR today is an international company. In these past 40 years, the factory has continued to expand and modernize, reaching a total production capacity of more than 10 million pieces a year.
VIR became an internationally acknowledged company with the acquisition of Red-White Valve Corp. - RWV - in California in 2003 and with the inauguration VIR Valve Manufacturing Co. Ltd. in Taizhou, China in 2008. Last year, it increased its presence in China with VIR Shanghai, with the aim of creating a distribution network for the high-tech and top quality VIR products, taking advantage of the technical and logistic capability of its Taizhou factory.
VIR today is specialized in the production and distribution of ball valves, both manual and actuated, balancing valves, gate valves and butterfly valves in brass, bronze, polypropylene and cast-iron to be used in both domestic and industrial HVAC systems and irrigation installations. The company has a highly qualified team of technicians, dedicated to the development, research and study of new products; since 1992 VIR has held a quality system certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standards, and innumerable international specific product certifications.